The Teacher portal has very unique features. These include reviewing notes made by students and tracking reading times by specific students in a classroom..
In this tutorial we will review the key features of the teachers login. To learn more about the general features of the reader visit this section - How to Use the Reader.
Sharing Notes, Highlights and Comments with Students
When you have assigned a book to student, you can add notes and comments to certain sections of the book. Your student as they begin reading through will be able to see and comment on your notes. First login to the Speedy Publishing Online Reader.
Next Select the Book You Want to review notes, comments or highlight
Next navigate to the page you want to make a note on:
Select the NOTES icon and then select the section of the page you want to make the NOTE for. The NOTES POP UP will appear and you will be able to add any notation that you would like and submit these to students.
Review Analytics for Students in a Classroom.
As a teacher in a classroom you will be able to review the analytics for each book. First login to the Speedy Publishing Online Reader.
Next select the book that you want to view the analytics for. Click on the EXCLAMATION ICON on the book.
A mini pop-up will appear and you should look for the link that says ANALYTICS in the bottom right hand corner of the pop-up..
You will now be able to view the following statistics and analytics for the book for each student in your classroom. This includes: Book Opened or Assigned, Average Reading Time, Average Pages Read, Average Reading Session, Average Reading Time per Session, Average Pages Read per Session, Average Notes Shared or Created and Average Highlight Shared or Created.