To assign a book to a student, that student must be in a class. This can only be done by an administrator account. Note that ONLY School and School District Subscriptions have access to Administrator Accounts

* Note: Single User Subscription and Homeschool Subscriptions are managed by the Speedy Publishing Online Team. At the time of subscribing you have the option of adding all students.

If you are a School Administrator or Librarian Administrator you can follow this tutorial to assign a book to a class.

Creating a User / Teacher / Student / Sales Rep / Book Buyer or Reviewer

1. The first step is to login to the Speedy Studio on the Platform.

2. When logged in the first step is to select the users icon at the top of your screen.

3. You will then be prompted to ADD A USER. Select this option.

4. You must first create the TEACHER ROLE. In this example we add the First Name, Last Name, Email ID, Username and ensure that you select the TEACHER

5. Next you should set the PASSWORD for the TEACHER. The teacher will be able to edit this password in their own account at anytime.

5.1 NOTE: You need to set the password for both the TEACHER & STUDENT. This should have at least 8 characters, at least 1 UPPERCASE and 1 LOWERCASE, and at least 1 SPECIAL CHARACTER as seen below.

6. Next, to the bottom right hand of the screen click the CREATE button.

7. Under the USERS section the new Teacher User you created will appear.

8. Next you will then need to add the STUDENT. So select the ADD USER option once again.

9. Go through the same process when adding a TEACHER, however in this process you will select the STUDENT option and the click on CREATE.

10. You would have now created two users, one TEACHER and one STUDENT. NOTE: Depending on the Subscription you have it will determine the number of Teacher and Student accounts you can create. 

-Single User Subscription: Only one (1) Teacher Account and one (1) Student Account.

-Homeschool Subscription: Only one (1) Teacher Account and three (3) Student Accounts. 

-School and School District Subscription: Unlimited Teacher and Student Accounts.

The Next Step is to create a CLASS or CLASSROOM. Select the CLASS tab.

11. Next, click the ADD CLASS OPTION.

12. You can then create the Class by filling out the following fields:

Class Name: Name the Class eg. Science, Geography

Description: Describe what the class will focus on eg. Grade 3 Biology Class.

User Data Sharing: Select how Notes, Highlights and Data should be shared. Here are the options

i.) Learner-Instructor Sharing - Student can share data with the Teacher [Recommended]

ii.) Learner-Learner Sharing - Students can share data with other Students [NOT Recommended]

iii.) Instructor-Learner Sharing - Teacher can share data with the students [Recommended]

13. You must now Select Roles. First select the Teacher Button and select the Teacher from your teacher list.

14. Next select the Student Button. Then select the Students(s) you want to be in this CLASS. Then CLICK ADD.

15. Next you can begin distributing content to the CLASS and give both TEACHER and STUDENT immediate access to the Catalog.

16. You will be sent to the Catalog Page. Select Collections in the Tab.

17. Speedy Publishing Online distributes titles based on Collections. You can now select the Collection that applies to your Classroom. You can toggle how Collections appear in the top right hand corner of by list or tiles.

18. Select the CLASS BUTTON on the Catalog Page and then add the Collection to the Class

19. You will be able to select your license and then double check the Classroom Name, teacher, student and the Click Distribute.

20. You will then see the Distribution status and the Number of licenses used during the distribution process.

21. At that point you can login to the reader to double check the books. Head to the login page.

22. Once logged in you will be able to see the collection and the books that are available in the platform.