When using a Homeschool or School Subscription it is easy for Parents and Teachers to create a Classroom for their students. The first step is to login to your Speedy Studio Account - Click Here.
Step 1.
You must first login to the Speedy Studio. You must have Administrators login to first achieve this.
Step 2.
Before you can create a classroom you must first have both a teacher and student to add to the classroom. You can do that by visiting the ADD USER tab and adding a Single User or Multiple Users. Then return to the Dashboard area.
Step 3.
Next select the users option again.
Step 4.
When in the USERS dashboard select the CLASS button.
Step 5.
Then you select the ADD CLASS button. You will then be able to create the classroom.
Step 6.
Add the Class Name, the description of the class, select the user that will fill the role of the teacher and the user that will be the role of student.
Step 7.
Select the user that will be in the Role of the Student. NOTE: You can select multiple users to be students and multiple users to be teachers in the classroom.
Step 8.
You can then select the USER SHARING DATA options. This will determine if teachers can communicate with students and if students can communicate with other students using the Note based system.
Step 9.
Once you have hit the create button you can select the Classroom, the Class Name, Description and User Data Sharing information will be displayed. You will now be able to assign Collections to this classroom.