Assigning a Collection to a classroom is simple. In order to assign a collection you must first have Administrator account. So the first step is to login.

Step 1.

The first step is to login using your Administrators account in the Speedy Publishing Studio.

Step 2.

The next step is to click on the Collections Tab and then to select the view on the far right of on the Dashboard.

Step 3.

You will then see all the collections, first displayed in the tile format. To make the assignment easier you can change the collection display to a LIST VIEW.

Step 4.

In each Collection Row you will see the Class Button. Clicking on the Class Tab to be taken to the Assignment Section of the Platform.

Step 5.

On the Collection Assignment section, you can select the CLASS you want to add.

Step 6.

You can select individual classes or select ALL CLASSES to assign the Collection to.

Step 7.

Once the Class is selected then you can select the license. Licenses are distributed by the Super Administrator. With a Single User, Homeschool, School and School District Subscription all accounts have up to 1,000 licenses. Once you select distribute this will distribute the Collections to the Classroom.