It is important to note that when providing Book Buyers and Book Reviewers with access, you must remember the Role that you as the Sales Representative plays.

1. Speedy Publishing Sales Team Member - Administrator

2. Sales Representative - Teacher / Classroom Administrator 

3. Book Buyer / Reviewer - Student

Your Speedy Publishing Sales Contact will create a Classroom Administrator account for you. You will be listed as the Teacher. Once this is done you will have access to this account. You can then add an unlimited number of book reviewers / students as you like. They will have perpetual access to your classroom and access to all existing and new titles added to the catalog.

Follow these steps to add Book Buyers or Book Reviewers to your catalog. 

Step 1.

You must first login to the Speedy Studio using your classroom administrators login.

Step 2.

Next select the USERS option tab again.

Step 3.

You must now ADD the USER or the BOOK BUYER / REVIEWER first before you can add them to the classroom with other book buyers, Next click ADD USER.


Step 4.

Then add the First Name, Last Name, then their email address and select the Role of Student. 

Step 5.

You can then set the Password, for the Book Buyer / Reviewer - Then click the CREATE BUTTON.

Step 6.

Once you have added the USER you will see their information appear on the USER DASHBOARD. You can now proceed to add them to the CLASSROOM of your choice. NOTE: You can create an UNLIMITED number of users and an UNLIMITED number of classrooms.

Step 7.

You can now ADD your newly minted Book Buyer or Reviewer to the Classroom, by clicking on CLASS in the USER Dashboard.

Step 8.

Select the CLASSROOM you would like to add that User to .

Step 9.

Then next select ADD USERS.

Step 10.

You can now choose from all users including the new user you just added. Select that user, set their role to STUDENT.

Step 11.

Check the box beside the name of the USER you selected, their name and EMAIL address will appear under the selected users column to the right and you can now click the ADD button.

Step 12.

You will then be redirected to the Classroom Dashboard where you can view the Classroom and the Book Buyer that you just added. You can now send your Book Buyer the username (email address) and the password you created so they can now access the platform.