As a sales representative you have the power to use the Speedy Publishing Online Platform as an Administrator, as a Classroom Administrator and as Book Reviewer. Let's start by logging into the Reader.
Step 1.
Start by logging into the Reader. Navigate to the Speedy Publishing Online and enter your username and password.
Step 2.
Get familiar with the Navigation. On the Top Level Navigation, you have the Grade. Grade 1 through to Grade 9, Kindergarten, PRE-K and STEM Focused Curriculum. Under each GRADE you will fine COLLECTIONS based on SUBJECTS. Example Astronomy and Space Science, Dinosaurs and other topics. *NOTE You will find the STEM Focused Curriculum most valuable to you and your clients.
Step 3.
After selecting the GRADE you can select the COLLECTION and the BOOKS that are in these COLLECTIONS. In this Example we selected Grade 4 Science STEM Focused, in this collection there are 51 titles and the book in focus is "Can Humans Live On Mars".
Step 4.
Once you have selected the book you want to read follow this walkthrough to know how to use the Book Reader itself.
HOME / Back to Bookshelf
When using the reader you can return to the bookshelf or main dashboard at anytime by using this link.
TOC / Table of Contents
Navigate through the chapters, find important book sections and view the MARC records of each book using the detailed Table of Contents feature.
The data tab shows both the highlighted content and notes that have been made in the book by the reader or the educator or teacher. This is essentially an extremely important shortcut for readers to find important parts of the book highlighted by users.
SEARCH / Search the Book
You can enter keywords, keyword phrases and search terms to find them in the book. Are looking for the year Barack Obama became president well you can find that content in book by searching for that using the search term feature.
You can use the pen tool to write anything on each page. These edits can be deleted or can remain exclusive to your reader. Teachers and students can make enter pen markings and share these with each other. The pen tool provides multiple pen colors. including blue, black, red, purple and dark green.
The Notes or Sticky Note feature is one of the most useful in the Speedy Publishing Online Reader. Students can create notes that can be shared with teachers. Book reviewers and Book buyers can send notes to Sales Representatives that they are working with. You can save and submit these notes easily using the reader.
Highlight important sections of the book with the highlight tool. This tool allows readers, teachers and other users to highlight content with multiple colors. These highlights can be seen in the My Data Tab and can also be saved for future readers using the same reader or login.
If you would like to increase the size of a specific area on a page, you can with this zoom in tool. Get a detailed view of images and specific sections of the content. This is very useful when using a mobile device with a smaller screen.
By fitting the full spread to each side of the reader, you can view the content without the tools tab to the left and some buttons on the the top of the page. This helps readers focus solely on the content.
When reading some books, you may need to reach by single page. This is again very useful depending on the device you are using to read the content. Readers, teachers and educators use this feature frequently when reading some titles that are not full spread titles.
You can view multiple pages when using the Thumbnail feature. You can quickly see all pages and jump to a specific page or section in the book by using this cool feature.
The Chapter navigation tool, allows you to quickly move between chapters without using the Table of Contents. When creating lesson plans this is an important feature for teachers and educators. Readers commonly use this feature to find relevant text based on chapter titles.
As a reader, user, teacher, educator, you can make add notes to any part of the content. You can then submit these notes to the Institute Admin. These notes will be shared and will be sent via email to the existing administrator of your account.
Visit your user profile while in the reader. This is a shortcut that can also be reached when on the dashboard. You can update your reader profile and sign out of the reader using this link.
You can place bookmarks at special places throughout the book. These bookmarks are recorded in the My Data tab and you can quickly find them when revisiting the book. These bookmarks are unique to your reader account.
Navigate from page to page using the page arrows located in the reader. Move back and forth easily through the book using these features.
This data is extremely useful. You can track if a Book Buyer views your recommended title, and if it leads to an ORDER or a CONVERSION. This can help you decide which titles to recommend to result in the best conversion rates.
To exchange notes with Book Buyers open the book you would like to make Notes on. Then navigate to the page you want to make a note on, then select the NOTES icon and the section of the page you want to make the NOTE for. The NOTES POP UP will appear and you will be able to add any notation that you would like and submit these to students.
Once the NOTE pop up comes up you can select the Share Button to share the Note with ALL Book Buyers or just a Specific Book Buyer.
Analytics for Book Buyers.
As a Classroom Administrator you will be able to review the analytics for each book. Next select the book that you want to view the analytics for. Click on the EXCLAMATION ICON on the book.
A mini pop-up will appear and you should look for the link that says ANALYTICS in the bottom right hand corner of the pop-up..
You will now be able to view the following statistics and analytics for the book for each Book Buyer in your classroom.
This includes: Book Opened or Assigned, Average Reading Time, Average Pages Read, Average Reading Session, Average Reading Time per Session, Average Pages Read per Session, Average Notes Shared or Created and Average Highlight Shared or Created.
This data will tell you how each Book Buyer interacted with the book you recommend and if any orders were placed for these titles. Key Data which helps when deciding to recommend this and other titles to potential Book Buyers.