We understand that as a Sales Representative that having Advanced Reader Copies are crucial to successful in-person customer meetings. This is why we have made it easy for Sales Representatives to request Samples or ARC's.
Each approved Speedy Publishing Sales Representative will be given forty (40) Advanced Reader Copies or Samples each year. This can be Hard Cover, Paperback or Perma-Bound (Library Binding).
To order Samples follow the following steps: REQUEST REVIEW COPIES - CLICK HERE
- Enter Your Email Address
- Enter Your Full Name
- Select 'I am a Sales Representative'
- Select 'I would like to Order Review Copies'
- Re-Enter your Full Name
- Enter your Phone Number (optional)
- Let Us Know the Company You Work With (If the Company isn't listed Select Other)
- If the Company isn't State the name of Your Company
- * Independent Sales Reps can simple state 'Independent'
- Tell us a bit more about your query and what you are looking for
- Check the ReCaptcha Box
- The Select Submit
Within 24 Hours a Speedy Publishing Representative will contact you with the tracking number for your Review Copies. We use UPS Commercial Shipping.