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Here are just a few examples of titles in our catalog:
TITLE: Fighting The Big C : What Cancer Does To The Body - Biology 6th Grade | Children's Biology Books
ISBN: 9781541938922
AUTHOR: Baby Professor
GRADE 3: What is cancer and why do so many people succumb to it? This biology book for sixth graders will discuss what happens to the body when cancer cells attack. Where does cancer come from and how can you beat it? Can you really and truly beat it? Read this book to find out the answer today!
Title: Good Food, Junk Food, Rotten Food - Science Book For Kids 5-7 | Children's Science Education Books
ISBN: 9781541914995
AUTHOR: Baby Professor
STEM Focused Curriculum: Educate your child to make informed and healthy decisions. This book will help you achieve just that. Detailed in the pages are the main differences between good food, junk food and rotten food. The scientific approach to nutrition will help a child become more aware of his choices while at the same time, taking an interest in science. Secure a copy today!
Title: I Am A Free Man : Civil Rights For Kids | Political Science | American Government Book | Social Studies Grade 5 | Children's Government Books
ISBN: 9781541949942
AUTHOR: Baby Professor
STEM Focused Curriculum: If you trace history, you will notice great societal differences in equality. To resolve those differences, the concept of civil rights was born. This educational book discusses ways that persons and groups reshaped the public policy in America. At the end of this book, your child should be able to adequately explain what civil rights means and to also give examples of them. Get a copy today.