Understanding the Navigation for the Speedy Publishing Reader is a very easy. Regardless the user subscription or user category, all users can navigate through the reader with top level navigation, collection navigation and search functionality. Let's examine the three (3) levels of navigation for the reader.


Readers can find content based on the first level of navigation., the GRADE Level Navigation. You can find the GRADE level Navigation below.

Grade or Top Level Navigation consists of:

All - Shows All Collections based on Grade Level

Recently Viewed - Shows all books that were viewed

Favorites - Shows books that you have favorited (Click Here To Learn How to Favorite Books)

Grade 1 - All Grade 1 Collections

Grade 2 - All Grade 2 Collections

Grade 3 - All Grade 3 Collections

Grade 4 - All Grade 4 Collections

Grade 5 - All Grade 5 Collections

Grade 6 - All Grade 6 Collections

Grade 7 - All Grade 7 Collections

Grade 8 - All Grade 8 Collections

Grade 9 - All Grade 9 Collections

Grades 3-5 - Collections for books for children for Grades 3 to Grade 5

Kindergarten  - All Kindergarten book collections

PRE-K - Pre-Kindergarten book collections

STEM Focused - All Collections that have STEM Focused Curriculum Books

True Canadian Series - Collections of Biographies of Canadian historical heroes.


Each Grade Level has Collections, within those collections are the books. Collections range from Topics such as Activity Books, Anatomy for Children, Astronomy & Space Science to Geography and Travel and much more. In the example below under the Grades 3-5 top level navigation we have collections based on the subjects of American & French History to Bugs and Insects.


In each Collection Books are listed. These Books are listed in alphabetical order.  In the Example Below - you can see books below the Grades 3-5 top level navigation, under the ANIMALS Collection of Books. You can see the book displayed below in alphabetical order.