Student, Teachers, Sales Representatives and Clients can communicate with each other respectively by sharing notes that are in all books. To do this NAVIGATE to the Book Page as seen below in the example. 

Then click on the Sticky Note Button on the Left Panel:

Next the Sticky Note Box will open up and you can type your message in the box  - as seen below. You can then choose to save the NOTE or Share it. (Shared Notes are automatically Saved)

You can then choose the person or recipient of the note. Default settings ONLY PERMIT notes to be shared with the Teacher / Sales Representative and not with other Students or Book Buyers and Book Reviewers. Once you have selected who the note should be shared with, you can click the DONE button and that person will be notified of the share.

Once you have logged in as the Teacher or Sales Representative you can navigate to the book. To the left on the MyDATA tab you will see a red notice showing the number of the comments.

Click the MyDATA button then click the Bell in the right hind corner of the MyDATA tab.

You must then click on the Accept Button to view the Note. You can also choose to Decline the Note.

Once accepted you can read the Note and then Respond to the Note by adding your own comment. This will take you directly to the page in the book that the Note was left on. 

Once you have responded you can continue the conversation with the student or Book Buyer and Book Reviewers.