Our educational database focuses on the creation of children’s nonfiction titles on curriculum-aligned subjects for the K-12 US & Canadian markets. Our books use stunning images and compelling content to keep our readers glued to each page.
Our online service subscription book service offers immediate, on-demand access to over three thousand titles in our catalog. Specifically focused on our K-12 catalog we provide educators and students with digital content accessible on desktop and mobile devices using Apple iOS and Android.
Our K-8 catalog of over eight hundred titles are perfect for STEM Curriculum lessons and provide support reading, fast learning all while maintaining the requisite standards for digital literacy.
Speedy Publishing Online is ideal for classroom learning, print and online libraries, student reading rooms and homeschooling.
Our educational database is compatible with SSO and onboarding software
- Google Classroom
- Clever
- Class Link
- LTI 1.1 & LTI 1.3
- Azure
- Rostering is easy with simple onboarding connectivity for:
- One Roster
- Secure Sync
- Class link
- LTI Advantage
- Schoology
Our tech team can also provide 1-on-1 support to ensure onboarding and connectivity for your students.
Using the Speedy Publishing Online Database provides a wide range of advantages, including:
- One price for unlimited access to the entire catalog for K-8 and STEM focused curriculum books.
- All students and educators will have unlimited user access for an entire school year.
- New e-books are published and added quarterly at no additional cost for existing subscribers
- Our platform provides mobile-ready content that provides ease of use for both readers and educators
- Our unique platform provides an optimized search and reader experience.
- MARC Records appear at the back of each title for educators to support print copy acquisition queries.
- 24/7 Online Technical Support with a resolute team working through our easy-to-use help desk.
Watch our introductory video below and contact one of our approved sales representatives to get started.